Tuesday, March 25, 2008

RA CHAIRMAN - Post AGM Reflection

Just click on the above images to enlarge so that the contents are visible and readable :)

Just a note that the Chairman's message is to address the reality of the impact the handover process has on all owners in TMP. I believe many owners in TMP do not realize the meaning of "Handover" and the many implications that comes with the process and this could be due to many reasons:
1. Not reading the Sale and Purchase Agreement and the Deed Of Mutual Covenant to understand the process of before and after handover implications to the derivation of maintenance fees base on current realtime costing.
2. Too busy with work hence an excuse not to know.
3. Could not be bothered due to being a advocate of "Four Wall Syndrome", living in the confines of the house and not bothered with happenings beyond their premise.
4. Do not have access to information (well another common excuse due to lack of initiatives) very common mentality we have come to accept but again not a valid excuse as many initiatives have been put in place to minimise this expected attitude of owners (blog,email, sms - at the cost of volunteers willing and able to contribute their time and invest for a common cause).
5. Not reading the flyers the RA have distributed by maildrop and taken the trouble to offer also in Mandarin version to accomodate many non english educated residents (take note maildrops are done by a handfull of RA committee members and these individuals all have fulltime jobs just like you).
6. Owners who like to talk but do not like to do the work, another common problem we face but manageable as we all know actions speaks volumes and are louder than words.
7. Owners that like to complain because they simply do not take the time to invest to get the real facts and information readily available before they jump to their personal conclusion/s.
8. Free loaders who wants to enjoy the facilities of a gated and guarded concept but do not want to pay for it.(Can afford to buy RM 350K ++ house but complain maintenance to expensive.....?????) and justifiable realistic costs!!! Defies logic just like levitation defying gravity. No sense in common sense......here I am absolutely baffled.
9. Trouble makers just for the hell of it, the theory here is the law of opposites. You will have law abiders and law breakers.
10. Could not care less mentality or the whole world is against me kinda of attitude. Blame everyone and everything except themselves.

Honestly I can go on and on and on but I guess I have better things to do than spend a lot more time trying to understand the un-understandable....hahaha creating my own word now (should post this word to wikipedia).

The RA already anticipated that there will be this group of people (minority) from the word go as this is common and experiences many of our friends whom have tasted of a gated and guarded concept of living have shared. We have heard of stories in more affluent housing area like Bandar Utama having residents not contributing to the security scheme the RA have set up and many more similar cases all over. The most common are from apartment dwellers.

The RA in TMP do not expect 100% collection but with realistic objectives of communicating to the majority that the maintenance fee set is for the betterment of all to achieve sustainable finance to maintain and upkeep all facilities and possibly maybe even enhance if there is additional funds available. The key word here is sustainable hence careful considerations have been taken into account when the costing was being drafted.

Foresight is important here hence maybe in this area many owners do not see the implications of not having sufficient collection will do to the quality of life many have bought into (gated and guarded) i.e. repair and maintenance of common facilities like boomgate, guardhouse,fencing,landscaping,park facilities etc. Some of these common area facilities are covered by local auntorities but in most cases relying on ourselves is the better option as delivery will be much more efficient due to many reasons I am sure you can conclude.

There could also be costs I am not aware of yet as I am not a psychic able to see the future hence better be prepared with proper funding than not. In this case it is pretty much like preparing for your retirement, either you are prepared by setting a little fund aside your entire working life or realising you do not have enough when you are about to retire. I reckon many will fall into the latter category than the former, which also support the argument of why some owners cannot see beyond RM 80.

Alas at the end of the day I am happy to pay RM 100 and more if need to as I have no reason to worry at all and understand that to manage and maintain a property with 504 units of houses covering a very big area will cost $$$. To all my fellow owners cum residents in TMP please see the bigger picture and realize that what you do will impact the very environment you are living in, take note your children will be brought up here and your families will enjoy the serenity,peace and security as well and not you alone.

RM 100 is nothing but a small investment to protect and maintain sustainability for the entire Taman Mutiara Puchong folks, from the young to the old, women and children to feel safe and happy will be in itself a great return for a small price :)

Cheers to all who have supported a common cause and cheers to all that will see the light and join us in being united "ONE VOICE ONE COMMUNITY"


  1. I just don't understand why TMP RA still have to continue justify the security fees to the minority that not agreed with it.
    Dear minority residents which not so supportive to the RM100 fees, since we all are living in the TMP community can we just support our beloved TMP RA that willing to sacrifice they precious time and take up the VOLUNTEER work just for the betterment of TMP community?
    Since we do not want to do volunteer work and take up more responsibility like our TMP RA who do the volunteer work and risk been not appreciate by other, why not at least we support them thru financially and not burden them on this issue further. Anyway due to inflation, the value of RM100 today to buy us some peace and better living environment, i will say just like the famous credit card advertisement " priceless" for what we get in return!

    Cheers everybody :) , let all of us at least will put a smile on our face when we back to our beloved home in TMP......

  2. I totally agree with our fellow neighbour, Chan. KUDOS to the current RA team. They have done a tremendous job despite thier busy daily schedules. Even quality family time had been sacrificed to a certain extend for the betterment of our community.

    For the minorities who do not agree with the said proposed fees...why bark up the wrong tree and bitch amongst one another, threatening not to pay etc. Step up and talk to the RAs for clarification.

    It's really sad to see the typical mentality of today's Malaysians..they buy a SLK (Small Little Kanchil) but expect it to be the quality of a Mercedes SLK. Where can like dat one!!!!

    They were given a chance to voice out during the AGM but none voiced out the opinions. If they find that the RA is not doing their job, then why not step up on that day to volunteer to take over the current committees? Given a chance to speak up and share their views, none dare to step up but after all that has been decided and agreed upon, they then suddenly find the courage to speak but amongst themselves. "Ask and you shall be given, Speak and you shall be heard".

    With recent news about children being abducted, raped and murdered, wouldn't one like to come back to a community that we can consider safe and proud to call it our home? Parents with busy schedules, working hard to make sure that their kids enjoy better living, neglecting their kids safety per say....(i often see children happilly mingling with one another in the park, oblivious to their safety and without being accompanied by parents)....Imagine if we do not pay a little more to ensure the safety of the community, we would not have any guards ensuring that our community is safe from uninvited outsiders. Instead we would have outsiders in our garden, peverts eying children..planning thier kidnapping and all other unthinkable stuff.

    Currently isn't it nice to see that the kids are enjoying the facilities which were meant to be Public Access, without any fear?


    Further, the extra money is being used for maintenance of common facilites. I am shocked at passing remarks from other neighbours such as "I don't use the facilities, so why should I pay?" So you mean to say that if you do not use the public facilites provided by the government, you should not pay your taxes, assessments etc? That's a load of c**p. (pardon my french.

    Please la, my dear neighbours, a little bit extra would not hurt to see that our place, our community is being well taken care of. When was the last time you saw people cleaning up the park, the roads, the drains? Ask yourself that question before you make passing remarks like the ones I have mentioned above.

    DO you really want to come home to a community that is in shambles, dirty and unsafe?

    No doubt at that point of time the DMC states RM50 for security, but it has further stated that the management had all rights to increase the said fee. For those who did not attend the AGM despite the notice and sms-es and yet wants to harp on thier rights...all I can say is.... well...too bad for all of you....as opportunity knocks only once. MAJORITY RULES!!!

    As for the RAs... keep up the good work. On behalf of those who supports the RA, we thank you for all that you have done for us and you are well ensured that you have our backing at any time....

    As i clearly remember our chairman sang during the Tanglung Festival..."If you call out my name,...I'll come running...when you needed a friend"...That is what I and I am pretty sure what others would do whenever our RA needs a helping hand or a support. Live by the motto.. "ONE VOICE, ONE COMMUNITY".

    For those who have been following this blog, please whenever you post anything, we would like to know who you are as we too would like to know our neighbours.


    Etta Yeoh

  3. I must add that we cannot leave the security to the guards. The security services that we have at the moment requires a lot of supervision and external check by the residents. Everybody must contribute their time and effort to uphold the good level of security. Leaving it entirely to someone else is not very wise, I think.

    Who ever read this blog, please spread the words among your neighbours and volunteer as a security contact person for your road. Currently we have active participation from TMP6 (phase 1) and TMP 8, TMP 7C. The network is far from complete!


  4. I absolutely agree with Kuang on the security issue and the residents must also be involved in playing an active role by being alert and vigilant in providing intel or information if there is any suspicious or alarming incidents that might blow out.
    However having said that always remember that the security personnel will never put their lives at stake for a measly RM 3.80 - 4.00 per hour so let us also be reasonable that they are deemed to be more appropriately defined as deterrents in TMP to discourage and reduce and not eliminate absolutely law breakers. To this day although at times the standards have been questionable we have not had any major incidents that could jeorpardize the security of TMP, and definitely we will prevent this from happening at all cost.
    There are many alternatives and measures that could be enforced to enable better security environment in TMP and my suggestions includes the following:
    1. All residents in TMP to install security sensor lights at the backlanes for their individual household. This will ensure that any movement in the backlanes will trigger the lights and hence will act as a deterrent for any would be "law breakers".
    2. Hiring of Gurkha guards, maybe just 4 personnel to boost the security personnel make up of 6 locals and 4 Gurkhas or other possible combinations. This is a sensitive issue as many residents do not understand that additional costs are involved whenever we want to have better quality services and amenities in TMP. People like to enjoy good facilities but when it comes to paying for them then that is when we have a lot of issues.
    3. Additional CCTV cameras to be located at the 4 corners of the perimeter wall. This will also cost money hence I believe such an initiative will not materialise without the consensus of the majority.
    4. Additional lighting in the park area and flood lights. This is MPSJ's jurisdictiona and I believe the RA has already corresponded twice vis post and to date still no reply.


JKP Zone 9 Community Carnival Hosted By TMP RA 7th Feb 2010

JKP Zone 9 Community Carnival Hosted By TMP RA Album 2

Pesta Tanglung Muhibbah 2 TMP (13th September 2008)

Pesta Tanglung Muhibbah 2 TMP (13th September 2008) ALBUM 2

JKP Zone 9 Complaints Submission Taman Mutiara Puchong - LATEST


AGM 2009

Pesta Tanglung Muhibbah TMP Slideshow No.1

Pesta Tanglung Muhibbah TMP Slideshow No.2

The Star Online: Star-Space : Guide

The Star Online: Star-Space : News