Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Officially Official.....FINALLY!!!

Ha!Ha!Ha! "He who laughs last laughs the loudest" well the laughter of my happiness resonates in my mind and spirit for the same reason why I choose to coin the title of this post "Officially official".
To know the struggle and the pains of getting a non-profit organisation properly registered (7 months duration for ROS to certify- 3 trips to Shah Alam MBSA) and certified is no joke for one and at a juncture even not being recognised (table talk with developer in MPSJ building USJ Subang) by the developer truly left a bad taste in all our mouths not to mention lack of respect for the parties involved (this is after the then pro-tem RA members went house to house door knocking to get the mandate from almost 200 residents/owners, and at a time when Phase 1 and 2 was not even fully occupied and with Phase 3 residents slowly trickling in.
On top of that we had to do the same exercise again after being informed that getting a signed acknowledgement without proper description of the said mandate was deemed insufficient.....grrrrrr!!!
It is difficult to not bear any grudges at that time knowing you have invested in your home (below average workmanship - Phase 1) and having to form a resident association for the sole purpose of protecting our rights as home owners and having to juggle between work and community service for the betterment of all residents in TMP......I tell you it is truly a labourous exercise.
At least it was not for nothing and in the end where we are now today it can be concluded that we might not have won all battles but we have indeed won the war :) at least all the time and effort invested by all committee members did not go down to waste and upon nostalgic reflection it is bitterweet to say the least :p
Alas like the saying goes "when the going gets tough, the tough gets going", incidentally there is a song with the exact title by Billy Ocean. A pat on the back and it is back to work for all but at least now with all the bad after taste out of the way the future in TMP looks better and brighter in the hands of its resident owners.
Many challenges lies ahead of course but with the support and assistance of all owners, TMP can evolve into a place like no other.

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