Yes.....I know you are probably wondering why the change of heart to handover of the management to the RA by Malton and at the same time discontinuing with the role of being the property manager in TMP? I think we will get into that a bit later but firstly I would like to start by greeting all my fellow blog readers and followers a warm "HELLO".
I know I have been rather quiet lately not because of a gag order or any other wierd reasons you might have thought of, it is just that I needed to take a step back and to wait patiently for things to unfold and I am happy to say it did unfold in a rather positive way. The following had taken place recently which is to the betterment of all residents in TMP:-
1. The perimeter chain fencing in Phase 3A and 3B is finally up. Now awaiting for the jetty to be constructed plus of course the landscaping to be completed by end of March 2008).
2. Barbwire surrounding the entire taman as promised have been erected.
3. A new boomgate system have been commissioned replacing the dreaded faulty old one (phew!!! finally after more than 18 months.....TQTQTQTQTQ). However the new system is currently being fine tuned.
4. Changing of the security firm to Dell Security (Majority of the security guards are now Malaysian and non foreign hence better communication and hopefully better performance.
The above could not have happened without the kind and generous assistance from Malton Bhd and for that we the residents of Taman Mutiara Puchong are grateful for obliging with the many requests put forth.
After all that is being said and done it is for the betterment of all the residents in TMP and the RA is most grateful for the timely generosity and assistance in the end. Now with the handover official (the RA was expecting for the entire obligation by Malton to be fully completed prior to the said handover i.e. completion of the jetty and landscaping as well as repairing the basket ball court back board, already almost a month since half of the board collapsed).
With the above being said and done we can all look forward to a much more condusive environment where as residents we can act on our own to futher enhance the quality of life in TMP by working hand in hand to implement many initiatives to boost unity amongst residents, public amenities (more lighting for the park), road humps to be erected (by MPSJ) and many community activities to encourage formation of social groups within TMP both for the young to the old to enjoy a better quality of life by being actively participating in healthy activities like Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Line Dancing and many more.
With the above said and done it is time for a reality check once we as residents are put in place to be absolutely responsible to govern and maintain the community we live in. By governing it is crucial that all residents must play a part in contributing to the monthly management fee and sinking fund soon to be proposed at a new but affordable reasonable rate to enable the continuity of maintaining Taman Mutiara Puchong to be the best and most secured housing area in Puchong.
Below please see the list of expenses that will be necessary to maintain and improve Taman Mutiara Puchong:-
1. Security (Currently 13 guards-7 day shift/6 night 12 hour shift each, approximately RM 19,000 monthly.
2. Property management fee - RM 6,000 a month (billing, invoicing and collection, dealing with MPSJ, TNB etc to ensure no interruption of services in Taman Mutiara Puchong).
3. Staff salary including epf and socso for minimum of 2 employees - RM 5,000 monthly
4. Rental of office and utilities including telephone bill - RM 2,000 monthly
5. Fogging monthly - RM 200 - 400 depending on frequency more on rainy season.
6. Additional cleaning and maintenance of drainage and streets i.e. sweeping etc RM 400 - 600 monthly
7. Maintenance of auto boom gate system - RM 200 - 300 monthly
8. Office supplies and micellaneous for the billing of 504 households inclusive postage/paper/envelopes etc. RM 500 monthly
9. Miscellaneous ???
All in all the expected monthly expenditure to run and maintain Taman Mutiara Puchong will be approximately between RM 35,000 - 40,000. However a very important point to note is that not all 504 units of household will start to contribute as there are still approximately 100 units unsold/pending sale and will gradually be billed for their monthly management fee and sinking fund.
Hence with this being said we only have 400 houses of which currently 90 are tenanted meaning rented out (Phase 1, 2 and 3A). This will be the focus group for tight billing and collection endevors. With all of the above in mind we can expect a reasonable collection target of 65% of the total 504 units for a start and if to maintain at RM 50 (which is unrealistically set to attract home buyers in the first place by Malton Bhd)we will only be able to collect (504 X 0.65 X 50) = RM 16,380 which is easily short of RM 20,000 a month. At this rate the security deposit will only be sufficient to cater for such a shortage for only less than 18 months and after which we will no longer have the luxury of security and other amenities to enjoy and that will be the end of our "GATED AND GUARDED" housing community.
You cannot imagine if this were to happen then nobody would want to live in Taman Mutiara Puchong anymore and imagine the effect it would have on the property value overall since there are still many foreigners inhabiting nearby residences as well as being in close proximity to a light industrial area. With all these expected problems to arise if we cannot think ahead and realistically then we only have ourselves to blame but being well informed and at the same time experienced urban dwellers in Malaysia and especially in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor we all know that the standard management fee and sinking fund to maintain a condominium apartment property is at least RM 150 - 200 a month and we do not question the management. YTL LakeEdge home owners are paying more than RM 200 at this point in time and FYI their area is not that much bigger than Taman Mutiara Puchong. Only difference is that most of their guards are Nepalese Gurkhas which market value per hour is approximately RM 7 - 8, which FYI is almost double of the local guard per hour rate.
To make the security scheme work in Taman Mutiara Puchong and at the same time to improve further the standard of living in terms of facilities, activities as well as public amenities and maybe, just maybe enhance futher the standard of security all residents should be willing to set aside RM 100 monthly (RM 80 for management fee and RM 20 for sinking fund). A small amount to pay for a better tomorrow or we all want to be petty, selfish and non conforming to just be different or a pain the arse? I for one will gladly contribute RM 100 as I am already paying exactly RM 179 per month for my apartment management fee and sinking fund in KL, hence my feet is firmly on the ground and I do know realistically what is a reasonable amount to ensure the security, comfort and peace of mind of my family members in Taman Mutiara Puchong :)
At RM 100 the amount expected to be collected should suffice to maintain Taman Mutiara Puchong i.e. RM 100 X 504 X 0.65 = RM 32,760.
If there is additional funds accumulated provided the collection from all units can surpass the 70% mark and possibly 80% or more then additional funds accumulated will be used to improve security futher by erecting a proper weather proof huts for the security personnel rather than the umbrella system we are witnessing now at Phase 3A and at the end of TMP 6 near the nursery perimeter wall area.
Other implementation that could happen if all residents in TMP co-operate in terms of payment of the monthly fees then we could also implement a proper CCTV system encompassing the entire TMP property ( probably a CCTV camera per corner of the perimeter wall hence all four corners covered). YTL LakeEdge already have such facility...... no suprise to me as the owners are paying above RM 200 a month.
At the end of the day it is the moral and duty bound obligation of all residents in any community living concept housing development i.e. "GATED AND GUARDED" to uphold the importance of such a concept closely as to be able to maintain this concept for the betterment of all within especially for the women and children and also for the next generation of residents well into the future (your children and their children).
RM 100 is a small investment in my view......about hmmmmmm......
10 packs of cigarettes,
a crate of beer,
2 bottles of mid range wine,
a day at the golf course,
a couple of 4D gaming tickets?
a month of dog food? what else...I am sure you can think of something that will add up to RM 100 which you could use instead of blowing it away on something else less important than security,comfort and peace of mind for your family members and loved ones residing in Taman Mutiara Puchong.