Monday, June 30, 2008

Planting of Trees In "Kawasan Lapang" by YTL Lake Edge

In the slide show you can see the tree and shrub planting exercise currently being undertaken by YTL Lake Edge at the kawasan lapang area between the YTL's lake and the perimeter fencing behind TMP 6 houses.

Questions arising from this exercise to plant these trees and shrubs.........

1. What is the agenda behind this trees and shrubs planting exercise? To beautify the said landscape of YTL Lake Edge and/or to hide the existence and view of the entire row of TMP 6 houses?
2. Is it a justifiable approach to embark on such a discrimanatory exercise if the intention is to hide the TMP 6 houses from YTL LAke Edge view?
3. Is it a neighbourly thing to do since both housing development are neighbouring communities?
4. What role do the local authority play in this kind of situation as the said land is gazetted as "KAWASAN LAPANG" and it belongs to the local authorities?
5. Is this kind of behaviour if it is to segregate and to mask the existence of TMP houses, a behaviour that we should encourage and condone?

What is your say on this?

1 comment:

  1. I do not wish to see hostility between communities. However treating the public land as if it is their own private property does not contribute positively to the relationship.

    I still believe the best of people and hope that the intention of Lake Edge management is to beutify that piece of land. It is unthinkable to believe that people will be so really damn selfish to the extend of not wanting to share a view of their lake. Our good and understanding neighbours are not going to look down upon TMP houses as too "cheap" to fit their eyes are they?

    TMP 8


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