Images above shows the work in progress (pictures taken 21st October 2009) of the installation of the newly acquired galvanised weld fence totalling 169 pcs altogether.
This is to replace the weather beaten and rusted original metal grille (low grade) which also have many weaknesses in the design (step ladder and wide gap) which have caused many inconveniences and security issues plus poses safety concerns to the residents.
The weld fence design and material was chosen to alleviate the following concerns:
1. Ease of entry by tresspassers as the gaps between fencing have been reduced to 3X6 inches
2. Prohibiting small bodied individuals to crawl through as evident by several witnesses of small school children going through the gaps as a shortcut through the high tension area to the main road to catch their school bus etc.
3. Prohibiting stray dogs from entering through the gaping spaces of the previous old fencing design. This will also allow better success rate for MPSJ's enforcement officers to catch these strays as they are not able to flee through the gaps of the perimeter fencing anymore.
4. Weather proof design ensures long and lasting tenure as oppose to the oxidised and rusting metal grille currently being replaced after only 3 years. New material will last a minimum of 10 years without maintenance as it is galvanised through dipping process with a minimum of 3-5 microns.
5. New design also enhances the look and feel of the area and provides a very clean image as well as lighting.
The project's Phase 1 which now encompasses only the perimeter area of Jalan TMP 2A will be extended to the perimeter wall covering Jalan TMP 8 once the funds collected is sufficient to finance Phase 2 of the exercise.
Perimeter fencing behind the houses at TMP 6 will not be included as the perimeter is well guarded by YTL's security personnel and not cost effective to include in the said project plan. The said area do not pose any security concern or threat.
The said project can be realised due to the positive response by the residents in fulfilling their monthly service fees committment of RM 100.
The RA would like to congratulate all service fee paying residents for providing the necessary committment and support as this is the exact attitude that will take this community to greater heights in improving the overall environment (safety and security).
On behalf of all service fee paying residents I would like to seek the cooperation of all service fee defaulters to come to their senses and be a part of a thriving and socially responsible community by settling the default amount in full so that the laid out projects in the working paper can be completed at a much faster pace for the betterment of the entire community.
Again I would like all residents to chip in and apply the necessary social moral pressure on these defaulters if you know them or of you are their neighbours because you are paying for the facilities they are enjoying including their childrens and other family members.
Imagine RM 100 a month only, do a quick survey and ask around and you will immediately find that this is one amount that is the most reasonable of all.
Other inititives currently in progress:
Installation of additional DB Boxes (power supply) and spotlights for all the designated perimeter area-weak spots (dark areas/insufficient lighting).
-this project have already been executed and installation all completed but currently only awaiting MPSJ's approval as the RA have taken a proactive measure of going ahead as it a project that is of the highest priority due to demand from residents especially corner houses affected by the poor lighting and darn corners causing anxiety to the affected residents.
-the cost of the said project is funded by the RA through the funds collected as well but the RA through the assistance of the JKP Zone 9 is applying for the allocation of funds to reimburse the RA as rightfully such an addition to provide more lighting in a residential area is the actual responsibility of MPSJ.
-the RA have acted promptly because the need to have these additional lighting and importance have already exceeded the patience of awaiting for "HANDOVER" issue which to date the developer is yet to fulfill. Point to note Mutiara Indah have already been handed over but for some uncanny reason (you are free to speculate) Taman Mutiara Puchong is still covered in uncertainty.
-proper application letter have already been forwarded to MPSJ and relevant picture images forwarded (MPSJ's officers already did a site inspection) and now only awaiting the necessary approval. I expect to receive only the most favourable reply which is the only outcome available since MPSJ do really need to provide what is lacking and in this specific case street lighting and perimeter lighting.
Additional 4 more speed humps to be located along TMP 2A as this is the only stretch of road in TMP that is without, and the management office have received numerous complaints pertaining irresponsible motorists speeding on this particular road.
- this proposed project have been submitted for funding again to JKP Zone 9 for appropriate allocation and this time around followig specific specification provided by MPSJ. With this in mind allocation should not an issue and should be duly approved since the forst 10 road humps were fully funded by the RA.
Upgrading of the CCTV system to allow for remote viewing and video recording with clarity and precision
Submission of the proposal for DUAL LANE ENTRY construction
-the RA have recently obtained the blueprint of Phase 2 and currently awaiting for the blueprint of Phase 1 for the entire overview of the proposed area involved prior to commissioning a contractor to draft the proposed plan for submission to MPSJ for the appropriate approval
Always remember that the RA consists of fellow residents like yourself hence they have no alterior motives except those that will serve the community's best interest as proven from the very first committee that began serving almost 3 years ago.
Action speaks louder than words and the RA have always let the actions speak for themselves. Residents with grouses and complaints are reminded to put forth constructive suggestions and not make "noises" for the sake of making them.
Follow the proper procedure of lodging relevant complaints to the management office and always remember do so for the betterment of the community in a constructive way.
RA members are volunteers so please bear this in mind if you think volunteers owe you something (to those residents that do not understand community service concept or social responsibility).
If you cannot walk the talk then kindly let those that can perform and do what is best for the entire community as a whole.
Lastly I would like to wish all residents a fantastic year ahead and to fulfill all obligations in the community by doing what is best for the community.