Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Minutes Of Meeting 15.09.2007


Date: 15th September 2007
Time: 9.30 a.m
Venue: Maintenance Office, Taman Mutiara Puchong

Present: Protem Committee
Steven Poh – Chairman
Harriet – Secretary
Michael – Asst. Secretary
Adeline Poh - Committee
David Chua – Committee
Ray Wong – Committee
Razali – Committee
Vivian Wong – Committee
Aarthi - Committee

TMP Management: WK Lee and Ravi

A meeting was held between the TMP Protem Committee, TMP Management Representatives. The objective of the meeting is to get a firm and final commitment from Interpile Sdn Bhd on the various issues brought up many meetings ago and currently still outstanding.

1) Commencement of Duties – Aman Network Security Sdn Bhd & its S.O.P

Aman Network Security Sdn Bhd has commenced duty effective 18th August 2007. To date the security in TMP has been enhanced significantly and the standards of the security personnel at this point in time has been above par. Initial feedback from some residents have been extremely positive. The new SOP already submitted to the RA.

a) Length of Boom Gate Barrier.

It was mentioned that the length of the barrier is short and this does not stop motorist from riding by without having to identify themselves or registering at the guardhouse. Ravi is to inquire on the cost of changing the length of the barrier.
However, during this interim period, Rajis & Nathan had suggested that they would place a pylon cone to stop motorcyclist from driving pass the security guards.

It was also tabled during the meeting that a speed hump should be placed at the boom gate barrier in order for vehicle owners to slow down when necessary and thus would help the guards to carry out their proper duty of checking on visitors etc.

Committee urge the management of TMP to look into matter soonest possible in order to avoid the new security personnel from finding avenues of not carrying out their duty as required.
Status: Month end to implement new boom gate pole 30.09.2007. Ravi to also write in to MPSJ to seek assistance to implement the road humps within TMP compound to deter speeding by some residents as this pose a threat to the safety of all residents in TMP.

b) Sensitivity of the Boom Gate Barrier Sensor.

Another issue that was observed & highlighted by Rajis and Nathan on their first day of duty is that the sensor for the boom gate barrier is not appropriate per say. Currently, the sensor range is too wide and that it will drop down even when a motorcyclist drive by thus causing damage to barrier and cars.

In addition to the above, the Committee voiced out that the frequency of the breakdown of the barrier is too often and boom gate sensor timing is too slow thus causing congestion. Committee urges that the management look into the matter urgently to resolve such matters.

Ravi will look into matter.
Status: Ravi will contact the vendor and will get the said timing and performance of the boom gate mechanics improved by 30.09.2007.

c) Signage for Visitors & Notices to Residents informing of new Security

Rajis & Nathan has recommended that they will erect signage on rules and regulations for visitors as well as residents. The signage will be placed outside the guardhouse as well as behind the guardhouse in order for both directions to be able to see the notice.

At the same time, notice to all residents will be circulated by Tuesday 22nd August 2007 informing residents of the new Security. In the notice, the new Security number will be provided.
Status: Photo of sample signage’s given to Ravi as well as a draft copy of content of signage that is needed for TMP together with the contact of a signage supplier. Interpile promised minimum 2-signage measuring 170 cm X 120 cm. Due date to implement 30.09.2007

2) Proximity Card & Stickers for Residents

Committee mentioned that in order to enhance security as well as to assist the guards in carrying out their duties more efficiently, all residents should own a proximity card and a sticker for each car that they own.

Committee was of the opinion that the reason why majority car owners residing in TMP does not have the card and sticker is because, currently, the management is charging RM 80 per card and RM 40 per sticker, which the committee feels is the main reason for owners not obtaining extra card and stickers for their cars.

Michael mentioned that we have mooted the notion in the blog and based on the polling results, most residents agree that all owners should use the card and that the card price should be at RM 40. Which would be affordable.

Lee mentioned that the cost of the card is not too extravagant and that RM 40 would be reasonable but will be subject to Committees decision, as this will eventually be handed over to Committee to handle.
Further, it was suggested that the card and sticker should not be priced too cheaply as this would result to owners obtaining more cards and stickers guests and friends. Ravi suggested that we should limit the number of cards and stickers per household.

It was proposed that we should limit 5 cards and 5 stickers per household. Anything more will have to be in writing and up to management (eventually Committee’s) approval.

It was agreed that the proximity card to be priced at RM 40 per card and the sticker at RM 10 per sticker. Matter will be highlighted in the notice to be circulated to house owners.

Further adding to matter, owners will be advised that any lost cards, to be reported to the management & management will deactivate the said card immediately before issuing a new card. Issuance of new card to owners will not be compromised and price of card will still remain at RM 40.

Whilst notices are being circulated, Aman Network Security Sdn Bhd will advise their personnel to advise residents who do not have stickers or card, to purchase the said items at the management office. The security guard will record down car number plate and vehicle owner will be given 2 weeks time frame to obtain the said items. Failure will result to such owners be treated as visitors.

All concurred to the said notion. Implementation will take immediate effect and will be included in the notice mentioned above & circulated to all residents.
Status: Adopted and implemented.

3 Perimeter Fencing
a) West Wall (along the high tension area)

Lee has indicated to the Committee that the management has agreed to place barbed wires along the perimeter fencing of the said west wall, to enhance security as mentioned by the Committee in the previous meeting. They are currently inquiring on the quotation and will revert to the Committee as to when the added security feature will be placed.
Status: Lee unable to get quotation for razor wire and ask RA to source for it instead. RA will endeavor to source by 30.09.2007. Lee suggested to fund the razor wire/barb wire from collection from sale of the proximity cards and stickers, which was unanimously rejected by the RA as the issue at hand was brought up long before the availability of such a revenue stream.

b) East Wall (Phase 3)

Lee mentioned that the target date for completion of the perimeter fencing for phase 3 would be by end of September as per informed by the Project Dept. of Interpile.
Status: No date mention for the soil settlement issue as project team unable to resolve it yet even though lorry loads of soil have been used to try and settle the area. Lee only promise to resolve “soonest” possible with no specific date set.
Lim suggested putting up chain fence as a measure to enhance security until the soil settlement issue is resolved. Ravi mentioned not practical as the area is still being used by lorry’s to ferry soil for the landfill.
Mike suggested for Interpile to circulate information to all residents explaining the situation of the east wall perimeter fencing and the cause of the said delay.

4 Basketball Court.

Committee requested for the management to look into the condition of the current basketball court. Concerns in particular: -

a) Pole holes located on the Basketball court (as per picture depicted on the blog).

Committee raised concerns on matter as there are children utilizing the court. The holes on the court, as it serves no function at all, pose danger to all who uses the court as their feet may get caught in the hole, resulting to sprain ankles est.

Ravi will look into the problem and will rectify the said matter.
Status: Said holes already cemented.

b) Surface of the basketball court – uneven & covered with moss.

Committee also requested for management to look into repairing or resurfacing the basketball court. Currently it is covered with moss therefore making the surface slippery and dangerous for all.

Ravi to look into matter and revert to all on action taken.
Status: Unresolved date set at 22.09.2007 for more clarification as Ravi will communicate with MPSJ pertaining this.

c) Basketball board and ring

Committee had also requested the management to replace, repair or repaint the basketball board and ring as it is in a bad shape.

Ravi to look into matter and revert to all on action taken.
Status: Will be repainted Black and White.

5 Lighting for the park and the basketball court

Committee voiced out that the park is badly lit and is not adequate for residents to use the park in the evenings or night for recreational purpose. At the same time, several residents have requested for the basketball court to be adequately lit in order for them to utilize the said court in the evenings.

Lee mentioned that they will look into matter and will apply to the appropriate authorities requesting for the extra lightings.
Status: Ravi will check with Sara and will cc. A copy of letter by Sara to MPSJ requesting for more street lights to be installed in TMP park area.

6 Dual Lane Entry at the Guard House

Committee was told that currently, management is not able to make a dual lane entry at the guardhouse as the Local Council has gazetted the empty plot of land as Kawasan Lapang.

Lee suggested that if Committee were able to get the Local Authorities to de-gazette the area, management would consider Committee’s suggestion of making a dual lane entrance to ease all congestions.

Harriet / Mike to follow up on matter.
Status: Kawasan Lapang needs re-gazetting hence a proposal to be submitted to MPSJ to seek permission and approval to be accompanied with a plan for the designated location.

7. Phone Line for Guard House

We were informed that the application for the phone line for the guardhouse has been submitted TM but till to date no lines have been pulled yet due to some technical problems.

Ravi will follow up on matter and will update soonest possible.
Status: The RA manage to acquire a sponsor for a GSM phone and to date have commissioned the said phone in the guardhouse already.

New Issues Discussed
-Minutes of meeting will be disseminated to the developer, residents, RA committee members, blog and hardcopy for filing.
-Ravi to inform all resident of the GSM phone number in the guardhouse 014 3329068
-Drain clogging and overflowing concerns. Ravi will get workers to check and update.
-Interpile management has rejected rain shelter for card reader/residents. Lee will make an attempt to use A& P funds to finance the rain shelter for the access card reader.

Meeting adjourned at 11.30 pm

1 comment:

  1. I have no objection to road bump in a few strategic locations, but would like to add that a nicely shaped road bump can go a long way in reducing suspension demages as well as maintaining ride comfort.



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